Our Credentials

   Daniel G. Mazzola, CFA, CPA



Chartered Financial Analyst
Certified Public Accountant registered to practice in New York State
Certified Financial Planner
FINRA Licenses 6, 7, 24, 63, 65
NYS Life/Health insurance licenses
New York State Society of Security Analysts
New York State Society of CPAs
Continuing Education instructor for NYS CPAs
CFA Institute
Graduate of Villanova University 1986 with B/S Accounting
Frequent and sought-after speaker on retirement panning


Written tax and investment articles for the:

Barrons:  "A Simple Tale of Carried Interest"

TAXStringer:  "Maintaining Beneficial Tax Treatment of Employer Stock After Job Loss"

CPA Journal:  "Michael Lewis's Disservice to Wary Stock Market Investors"

NYS Society of CPA's:  "Smarter Social Security:  Survivor Benefits" 

NYS Society of CPA's:  "Understanding the Spousal Benefits of Social Security"

NYSSCPA's Trusted Professional:  "A Changing Landscape:  Legal Aid"

CPA Journal:  "A Universal Fiduciary Standard"

Suffolk County Chapter of CPA's:  "Taxation Without Representation and the Jock Tax"

Accounting Today:  "Obama Plans 'MyRA' Retirement Savings Accounts" (comments)

TAXStringer:  "The Nitty-Gritty of the ACA"

Accounting Web:  "Bonds - The Forgotten Step Child"

Video Clip

CPA Looks at How to Keeps Costs Low for Health Insurance Under ACA (click to view clip)

 urnal, and CP

CPA Journal,  and cPA journ